Brighter Sciences. Brighter Japan.

Japanese Association for the Advancement of Science(JAAS)
was founded as a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) in 2022/2/22

Energizing Science in Japan

What is JAAS?

The Japan Association for the Advancement of Science (JAAS) was established with the aim of becoming an organization that transcends the boundaries of disciplines, organizations, professions/job classifications, nationalities/ethnicities, and generations, and in which all people can participate. We believe that a bright future for science in Japan requires dialogue and collaboration among people from diverse backgrounds who are motivated to promote science.

Working Groups and other diverse activities


JAAS has six “working groups” that engage in a variety of activities. There are also “projects” that deal with specific themes, where members with diverse backgrounds actively exchange opinions and engage in activities.(Currently, Japanese for only)

Let’s energize science together with JAAS!

Join us!

JAAS is looking for a wide range of people (individuals, corporations, and various organizations) who would like to plan, propose, and carry out activities to energize science in Japan, participate in events and opinion exchanges for the promotion of science, and support JAAS by agreeing and sympathizing with its purpose and projects. (Currently, Japanese for only)